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Leaving Technology Behind...For Just A Few Minutes A Day

In my world of photography for social media, products, blogs & websites, I sometimes feel overwhelmed having a camera, smart phone, or computer at my fingertips 99 percent of my work day.

As I was walking home from the market this morning, with fresh tulips in one hand and my dog's leash in the other, I started my "to do" list in my head, knowing I would forget at least one of those items on my list. But as soon as I walked in my front door, I grabbed my "to do" journal, made my cup of tea and sat down for a few minutes to write out my list for the day, the week and the rest of the month.

There's something comforting about letting go of technology, even for a few minutes, and writing out my "to do" list by hand. Pen and paper, a warm cup of tea, just enjoying the quiet of my morning. Now I have a plan, it's organized and if I must use technology, I'll take a pic with my smart phone of my "to do" list and keep it with me while I'm out on location, gathering props and meeting up with friends.

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